Part 6: Page 521

Two pages for you this week (and a Part 6 Cover), starting –> HERE!

Waking up in an unfamiliar room in an unfamiliar place and foggy on the details, Ethan is getting the distinct feeling that something about this situation, and Al, is off…

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Oh hello there, are you on the lookout for more comics to add to your reading list? May I interest you in Bob’s new paranormal fantasy comic? Vengeful ghosts and spirit mediums?! I am looking respectfully (๑꒪▿꒪)

Check it out: Into the Smoke

A gay medium binds himself to an evil spirit in an effort to solve his murder.Spirit medium Blaze is a disaster at life but an expert at death. As a self-proclaimed spirit therapist, he’s never lost a soul to the smoke. But when he discovers Alastor, the vengeful ghost of a murdered hitman, he’s forced to bind the ghost to his own soul to keep him from killing again. As he unravels the conspiracy behind Alastor’s death, he learns Alastor isn’t the only one looking for a new victim.

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