Using RSS Feeds

Have you ever followed someone on any of the Big Social Media platforms and then discovered you weren’t seeing all of their posts in your feed? Lots of platforms use algorithms to determine what content you see, and it’s a bummer when you miss the stuff you had followed them for in the first place! There’s also the possibility that their account gets suspended or shadow-banned, and they fall off your radar entirely. But there’s a way to make sure you don’t miss things like comic updates and new posts – creating your own feed by using RSS!

What’s an RSS feed? It’s basically a trimmed down reel of a website’s content, which a feed reader then collects and displays for you in whatever way you decide to organize them. RSS is old school technology, but still super useful today! Kiri wrote a good blog post about feed readers here, if you’re interested in more info about using them.

I use Feedly because it has both a mobile app and a desktop version, and is free to use up to 100 feeds. After you’ve created your Feedly account and you want to access my site’s feed, all you need to do is click on this link, and then click “Follow”. That’s it! You can sort your feeds into folders to keep them organized. Lots of sites use RSS, so you can create your own custom feed of websites, blogs, news, etc. that you want to keep tabs on. It’s a lot easier than checking a long list of bookmarked sites to see what’s updated since your last visit, especially if you read a lot of webcomics!

If you prefer to use a different feed reader aside from Feedly, just copy this URL:

and paste it into your reader’s search bar and follow from there. Happy customized reading! ✧٩(•́⌄•́๑)